When I saw Boone County on the shelf, two images kind of melded together in my brain, Daniel Boone and Hazzard County, the ficitious home of Bo and Luke Duke from The Dukes Of Hazzard, so I knew I needed to place Boone County bourbon on a desolate country road. So, that’s what I did.
The construction crew nearby looked at me weird as a layed in the middle of the road, taking a photo of a bourbon bottle, but maybe they were just jealous. I had booze, and didn’t I have to wear a hard hat or reflective yellow vest. Neener neener.
The Boone County bourbon is made from an MGP distillate, but it doesn’t take away from the smoothness or even the refreshing character of this particular pour. It’s got a bright citrus note, a slow burn, a bit sweet on the palate, and beautiful vanilla notes. Me likey.